// Decompiled by Jad v1.5.8e. Copyright 2001 Pavel Kouznetsov. // Jad home page: http://www.geocities.com/kpdus/jad.html // Decompiler options: braces fieldsfirst space lnc package com.umeng.analytics.game; import android.content.Context; import com.umeng.analytics.Gender; import com.umeng.analytics.MobclickAgent; import com.umeng.analytics.social.UMPlatformData; import com.umeng.analytics.social.UMSocialService; import com.umeng.analytics.social.e; import u.aly.bj; // Referenced classes of package com.umeng.analytics.game: // d public class UMGameAgent extends MobclickAgent { private static final String a = "Input string is null or empty"; private static final String b = "Input string must be less than 64 chars"; private static final String c = "Input value type is negative"; private static final String d = "The int value for 'Pay Channels' ranges between 1 ~ 99 "; private static final d e = new d(); private static Context f; public UMGameAgent() { } private static boolean a(String s) { while (s == null || s.trim().length() <= 0) { return true; } return false; } public static void bonus(double d1, int i) { if (d1 < 0.0D) { bj.b("MobclickAgent", "Input value type is negative"); return; } if (i <= 0 || i >= 100) { bj.b("MobclickAgent", "The int value for 'Pay Channels' ranges between 1 ~ 99 "); return; } else { e.a(d1, i); return; } } public static void bonus(String s, int i, double d1, int j) { if (a(s)) { bj.b("MobclickAgent", "Input string is null or empty"); return; } if (i < 0 || d1 < 0.0D) { bj.b("MobclickAgent", "Input value type is negative"); return; } if (j <= 0 || j >= 100) { bj.b("MobclickAgent", "The int value for 'Pay Channels' ranges between 1 ~ 99 "); return; } else { e.a(s, i, d1, j); return; } } public static void buy(String s, int i, double d1) { if (a(s)) { bj.b("MobclickAgent", "Input string is null or empty"); return; } if (i < 0 || d1 < 0.0D) { bj.b("MobclickAgent", "Input value type is negative"); return; } else { e.a(s, i, d1); return; } } public static void failLevel(String s) { if (a(s)) { bj.b("MobclickAgent", "Input string is null or empty"); return; } if (s.length() > 64) { bj.b("MobclickAgent", "Input string must be less than 64 chars"); return; } else { e.d(s); return; } } public static void finishLevel(String s) { if (a(s)) { bj.b("MobclickAgent", "Input string is null or empty"); return; } if (s.length() > 64) { bj.b("MobclickAgent", "Input string must be less than 64 chars"); return; } else { e.c(s); return; } } public static void init(Context context) { e.a(context); f = context.getApplicationContext(); } public static void onEvent(String s, String s1) { onEvent(f, s, s1); } public static transient void onSocialEvent(Context context, String s, UMPlatformData aumplatformdata[]) { if (context == null) { bj.b("MobclickAgent", "context is null in onShareEvent"); return; } else { e.e = "4"; UMSocialService.share(context, s, aumplatformdata); return; } } public static transient void onSocialEvent(Context context, UMPlatformData aumplatformdata[]) { if (context == null) { bj.b("MobclickAgent", "context is null in onShareEvent"); return; } else { e.e = "4"; UMSocialService.share(context, aumplatformdata); return; } } public static void pay(double d1, double d2, int i) { if (i <= 0 || i >= 100) { bj.b("MobclickAgent", "The int value for 'Pay Channels' ranges between 1 ~ 99 "); return; } if (d1 < 0.0D || d2 < 0.0D) { bj.b("MobclickAgent", "Input value type is negative"); return; } else { e.a(d1, d2, i); return; } } public static void pay(double d1, String s, int i, double d2, int j) { if (j <= 0 || j >= 100) { bj.b("MobclickAgent", "The int value for 'Pay Channels' ranges between 1 ~ 99 "); return; } if (d1 < 0.0D || i < 0 || d2 < 0.0D) { bj.b("MobclickAgent", "Input value type is negative"); return; } if (a(s)) { bj.b("MobclickAgent", "Input string is null or empty"); return; } else { e.a(d1, s, i, d2, j); return; } } public static void setPlayerInfo(String s, int i, int j, String s1) { if (a(s)) { bj.b("MobclickAgent", "Input string is null or empty"); s = null; } if (i < 0 || i > 200) { bj.c("MobclickAgent", "The int value for 'Age' range between 0~200"); i = 0; } if (a(s1)) { bj.b("MobclickAgent", "Input string is null or empty"); s1 = null; } e.a(s, i, Gender.getGender(j), s1); } public static void setPlayerLevel(String s) { if (a(s)) { bj.b("MobclickAgent", "Input string is null or empty"); return; } if (s.length() > 64) { bj.b("MobclickAgent", "Input string must be less than 64 chars"); return; } else { e.a(s); return; } } public static void setTraceSleepTime(boolean flag) { e.a(flag); } public static void startLevel(String s) { if (a(s)) { bj.b("MobclickAgent", "Input string is null or empty"); return; } if (s.length() > 64) { bj.b("MobclickAgent", "Input string must be less than 64 chars"); return; } else { e.b(s); return; } } public static void use(String s, int i, double d1) { if (a(s)) { bj.b("MobclickAgent", "Input string is null or empty"); return; } if (i < 0 || d1 < 0.0D) { bj.b("MobclickAgent", "Input value type is negative"); return; } else { e.b(s, i, d1); return; } } }